Battery product data sheet


Technical details of a battery such as capacity and voltage

Resources for DPP/Energy/Battery/ProductDataSheet_v0.1
OpenAPI Spec source

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Every request will require this information to be sent
  • product
    • Technical product identifier used by the manufacturer
    • title: Product identifier
    • examples: battery-100wh-s
  • id
    • Unique identifier of the product
    • title: Identifier
    • examples: 177389-09633


    Every successful response will return this information
  • manufacturer
    • The manufacturer of the battery
    • title: Manufacturer
    • examples: Valmet Automotive
  • product
    • Technical product identifier used by the manufacturer
    • title: Product identifier
    • examples: battery-100wh-s
  • id
    • Unique identifier of the product
    • title: Identifier
    • examples: 177389-09633
  • name
    • title: Product Name
    • examples: Modular Power Pack, 48 V
  • cellType
  • capacity
    • Battery capacity in kWh
    • title: Capacity
    • examples: 2.2
  • energy
    • Energy, Ah [1C @ 25°C]
    • title: Energy (Ah)
    • examples: 46
  • peakDischargingPower
    • title: Peak Discharging Power [kW]
    • examples: 20
  • peakChargingPower
    • title: Peak Charging Power [kW]
    • examples: 20
  • continuousPower
    • title: Continuous Power [kW]
    • examples: 10
  • standbyConsumption
    • title: Standby Power Consumption [W]
    • examples: 1
  • cycleLife
    • Minimum number of cycles the battery can be recharged to at least 80% of initial capacity
    • title: Cycle Life
    • examples: 20000
  • weight
    • Total dry weight [kg]
    • title: Weight [kg]
    • examples: 41
  • ipRating
  • maxCoolantPressure
    • title: Max Coolant Pressure [bar]
    • examples: 3.5
  • standardsCompliance
    • uniqueItems:
    • title: Standards Compliance
    • examples: ISO 13849 PL C,UN 38.3,IEC 62061 SIL 2,IEC 61508 SIL 2,ECE R100,ECE R10,ISO 16750


    Components of the response and request
  • BadGateway
    • This response is reserved by Product Gateway.
    • title: BadGateway
  • CellType
    • enum: lithium-titanate, lithium-ion polymer
    • title: CellType
  • DataSourceError
    • required: type, message
    • title: DataSourceError
    • Error type
    • title: Error type
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
  • DataSourceNotFound
    • This response is reserved by Product Gateway.
    • title: DataSourceNotFound
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
    • Message
    • default: Data source not found
  • Dimensions
    • required: length, width, height
    • title: Dimensions
    • Length [mm]
    • title: Length [mm]
    • Length
    • examples: 483
    • Width [mm]
    • title: Width [mm]
    • Width
    • examples: 380
    • Height [mm]
    • title: Height [mm]
    • Height
    • examples: 160
  • DoesNotConformToDefinition
    • This response is reserved by Product Gateway.
    • required: data_source_status_code
    • title: DoesNotConformToDefinition
    • Message
    • title: Message
    • Message
    • default: Response from data source does not conform to definition
    • Data source status code
    • title: Data source status code
  • Forbidden
    • required: type, message
    • title: Forbidden
    • Error type
    • title: Error type
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
  • GatewayTimeout
    • This response is reserved by Product Gateway.
    • title: GatewayTimeout
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
    • Message
    • default:
  • IPCode
    • enum: IP5X, IP50, IP51, IP52, IP53, IP54, IP54K, IP55, IP56, IP56K, IP57, IP58, IP59K, IP5KX, IP5K0, IP5K1, IP5K2, IP5K3, IP5K4, IP5K4K, IP5K5, IP5K6, IP5K6K, IP5K7, IP5K8, IP5K9K, IP6X, IP60, IP61, IP62, IP63, IP64, IP64K, IP65, IP66, IP66K, IP67, IP68, IP69K, IP6KX, IP6K0, IP6K1, IP6K2, IP6K3, IP6K4, IP6K4K, IP6K5, IP6K6, IP6K6K, IP6K7, IP6K8, IP6K9K
    • title: IPCode
  • NotFound
    • required: type, message
    • title: NotFound
    • Error type
    • title: Error type
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
  • OperatingTemperature
    • required: min, max, recommendedMin, recommendedMax
    • title: OperatingTemperature
    • Minimum operating temperature [°C]
    • title: Minimum operating temperature [°C]
    • Min
    • examples: -30
    • Maximum operating temperature [°C]
    • title: Maximum operating temperature [°C]
    • Max
    • examples: 55
    • Minimum recommended operating temperature [°C]
    • title: Minimum recommended operating temperature [°C]
    • Recommended Min
    • examples: 5
    • Maximum recommended operating temperature [°C]
    • title: Maximum recommended operating temperature [°C]
    • Recommended Max
    • examples: 35
  • RateLimitExceeded
    • This response is reserved by Product Gateway.
    • title: RateLimitExceeded
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
    • Message
    • default: Rate limit exceeded
  • ServiceUnavailable
    • This response is reserved by Product Gateway.
    • title: ServiceUnavailable
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
    • Message
    • default:
  • Unauthorized
    • required: type, message
    • title: Unauthorized
    • Error type
    • title: Error type
    • Error message
    • title: Error message
  • Voltage
    • required: min, max, nominal
    • title: Voltage
    • Minimum voltage
    • title: Minimum voltage
    • Min
    • examples: 38
    • Maximum voltage
    • title: Maximum voltage
    • Max
    • examples: 56
    • Nominal voltage
    • title: Nominal voltage
    • Nominal
    • examples: 48.3